Rona Boyarski
Rona portrait
"...The journey of Boyarski is into her own inner world, painting sensations and feelings along with windows. Boyarski sets out to portray not only the outward view, but that which is concealed. Boyarski "sews" into her painted windows and doorways the figures that she paints in black and white from out of her imagination, seemingly drawn from the past, and who bear their own private, hidden history.
At times, the figures seem to be silhouettes, as in the painting "Abbey Road". It seems that Boyarski is searching for the narrative behind the doorways.
Boyarski fells that it is important to show what is happening on several planes: the level of the here and now as well as plane of consciousness.
Boyarki does further as she attempts to connect elements from the past and from her subconscious as may be seen in her painting "East Wind". Boyarski's painting "Father"s Chair" creates a somewhat distorted space, with an unstable floor, and the wall of a structure that actually does not exist but through which the viewer is thrust to the outside, into a green forest with figures that seem to peer out at us from the past.
The empty chair - a familiar motif from art history - is essentially the chair symbolizing absence, which is much more powerful then presence. Boyarski's chair event lacks a backrest, which increases the sense of absence and lack of security.
Boyarski accomplishes a combination of the real and the imaginary in her paintings. Charles Baudelaire has said that "The true traveler travels only in order to depart". It seems that Boyarski's artworks attempt to launch their viewers on precisely such a journey."
(Article by Miri Krymolowski, Curator, 2005)
"...Boyarski's artistic creations impress the onlooker. it reveals a sophisticated layout and outstanding artistic ability.
Boyarski's artistic expression is channeled as a result of two different desires. The conquest of realism and at the same time expression of her own artistic language. She searches after an appropriate confirmation that interlaces the realistic and the fantastic, so skilfully expressed in her compositions. This search invites the onlooker to take part in the "play". This is in part the perception of her art. Complexity and intricacy result in eliminating the illusionary space, yet at the same time direct the onlooker inside into the painting."
(from: Art World - 1991, Joseph Melamed, art curator)
"...The painting of figures and masks stand out in their particularism. Boyarski uses different types of people as mirror images of the place. Masks assimilate into a pictorial noplace.
A new motive lately appearing in Boyarski's works are plaster reliefs. This is not a sculptural relief. The traces of this create an inner embroidery. The flowing relief like the vein adds pulsation to the whole painting.
Boyarski is an artist who never ceases to search for new forms of expression to fulfill her needs. Boyarski points out new existence and a private world creating a new world of representation."
(from: Art Magazine - 2000, Kobi Harel, art critic)
One-man Exhibitions
2012 Gallery -3, Tel-Aviv, Israel, "Wandering", Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
2008 Belgium House Hebrew University Gallery Jerusalem, Israel, "Persona", Plaster reliefs and oil paintings on wood
2007 Achuzat Bayit Gallery, Raanana, Israel, "Comedia Dell'Arte", Plaster reliefs and oil paintings on wood
2005 Shorashim Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel, "Invitation au voyage", Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
2000 Tokio Museum, Japan, Plaster reliefs and oil paintings on wood
2000 Akashi Museum - Akashi, Japan, Plaster reliefs and oil paintings on wood
1999 "Flora 2000" - Japan, Art Fair in Kioto, Plaster reliefs and oil paintings on wood
1996 Artists'House - Jerusalem, Israel, "Energy", Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1991 Gallery 30 - Tel Aviv, Israel, "Metamorphosis 2", Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1987 Gallery of European Artists - Luxembourg, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1984 Alon Gallery - Jerusalem, Israel, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1981 Ephal Gallery - Tel Aviv, Israel "Metamorphosis 1" - Acrylic paintings
1980 Tourel Gallery - Tel Aviv, Israel, "Metamorphosis" - Acrylic paintings
2014 Prize in international competition by "American Art Award" in the category of fantastic landscape
2000 Prize of the Board - Kyoto, Japan
1999 Prize of Educational Board - Kobe, Japan
1999 Grand Prix d'Arts Plastiques - Salon "Laigle de Nice" - Nice, France
1997 Diploma - Most talented Artist - "Art Addiction" -Stockholm, Sweden
"Accademia di belle arti", Rome, Italy
Private student of Dragutescu (student of Paul Klee)
Private student of Prof. Schwarzmann (student of Kate Kolwitz)
Selected Group Exhibitions
2019 "Unforgettable childhood", Artist from Israel and Italy, Exhibitions in Italy and Israel
2018 Group exhibition, Museum Haarez, Tel Aviv, Israel
2013 "Fair around the world", Art center in Shoham, Israel, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
2010 "Belongs or not", Kastiel Gallery, Jaffa, Israel, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
2009 "Passover" Group exhibition - Amiad center of Art, Jaffa, Israel, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photograph
2009 "Bride and groom" - Old Jaffa Museum, Israel, Plaster reliefs and oil paintings on wood
2007 "Valentine day" - Achuzat Bayit Gallery, Raanana, Israel, Plaster reliefs and oil paintings on wood
2006 "On the light" - Achuzat Bayit Gallery, Raanana, Israel, Plaster reliefs and oil paintings on wood
2001 "The group exhibition at Chania" - Crete, Greece, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
2000 "Aims of Art - International Exhibition" - Vancouver, Canada, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
2000 "International Exhibition" - Tokyo Museum, Japan, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1999 "L'aigle de Nice" - Nice, France, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1999 "Group Exhibition" - Montserrat Gallery, New York, USA, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1998    "International Selected Artists" - Marine Gallery, Kobe, Japan, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1997 "Artists of Japan Host Israeli Artists" - Kobe Museum, Kobe, Japan, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1993 "Art Addiction" - Stockholm, Sweden, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1992 "Art House" - Jerusalem, Israel, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1987 "Group Exhibition" - Halifax Gallery, Canada, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1986 "Group Exhibition" - Hautefeuille Gallery, Paris, France, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1986 "Annual Exhibition" - Grand Palais, Paris, France, Mixed media integration of oil paintings and photographies on wood
1983 "Group Exhibition" - Ella Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel, Acrylic paintings
1976 "Artists of the Negev" - Beer Sheva, Israel, Acrylic paintings
Maariv, Yediot Achronot, Woman, News on line, World of art art magazine
International newspaper from Canada, Europe and Japan
Television reviews on Channel 1 of Israeli television